Powerline Design

The core business activity of DPD is the design of overhead and underground power lines. DPD has the in house capacity to survey and design all distribution type power lines up to and including pole type sub-transmission lines.

DPD uses either traditional, GPS based or LiDAR survey methods to capture ground profiles or receives terrain models from clients and then processes the data with power line design software to provide designs that comply with both Australian and local authority standards.

Most new residential and industrial land developments request underground power distribution and DPD also has enormous experience in underground power line design and coordination with utilities and other service authorities, often within common service trenches.

Power Line Projects

Power line design capability includes the overhead & underground power line design of the following systems:

  • 400V LV ABC
  • 11kV
  • 22kV
  • 19kV SWER
  • 33kV
  • 66kV (pole type)
  • 132kV (pole type)